23-24 november 2020

PasswordsCon (Per Thorsheim), 23 november 2020:

PasswordsCon – Part 1

A conference that’s all about passwords, PIN codes, and digital authentication. Passwords are the most prevalent form of authentication in the digital age.

Passwords (PasswordsCon) is the first and only conference of its kind, where leading researchers, password crackers, and experts in password security from around the globe gather in order to better understand the challenges surrounding digital authentication, and how to adequately address them.

While large mainstream conferences tend to focus on current hot topics in the information security industry, Passwords events explore fringe conversations on everything from analysis and education to creating, securing, cracking, and exploiting authentication solutions.And unlike other events where the speaker is rushed in and out, Passwords provides an intimate environment for participants to directly engage speakers before, during, and after their presentations.

 Språk engelska


  • Kate Darling

    Kate Darling   Robotforskare

    Dr. Darling har vigt sitt akademiska liv åt den nya teknikens lagliga och etiska konsekvenser, och hur samhället kan förbereda sig på det fördjupade samspelet mellan robotar och människor. Läs mer

  • Per Thorsheim

    Founder of PasswordsCon
    Per Thorsheim has in writing from Cormac Herley that he is pathologically obsessed with Passwords. Per is very proud of that. The license plate of his Norwegian car says "Passord". You can probably guess what it means. Twitter: @thorsheim
  • Per Thorsheim

    Founder of PasswordsCon
    Per Thorsheim has in writing from Cormac Herley that he is pathologically obsessed with Passwords. Per is very proud of that. The license plate of his Norwegian car says "Passord". You can probably guess what it means. Twitter: @thorsheim
  • Stephan Wiefling

    PhD Student, Data-and Application Security Group (H-BRS), Sankt Augustin, Germany
    Stephan Wiefling is a PhD student in Sankt Augustin, Germany (Data-and Application Security Group, H-BRS). His current research spans areas of Authentication and Usability. Twitter: @SWiefling
  • Philipp Markert

    PhD Student, Ruhr University Bochum
    Philipp is a PhD student from Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. He is supervised by Prof. Dr. Markus Dürmuth and member of the Mobile Security Group. His research focuses on usable security with a special interest in authentication. He holds a BSc and MSc in Information Security from Ruhr University Bochum and studied at Drexel University as an exchange student in 2016. Twitter: @Philipp_Markert

 Språk engelska


  • Tom Chatfield

    Tom Chatfield   Techfilosof

    Chatfield är en av Storbritanniens mest insiktsfulla tänkare kring digitalisering, ny media, dataspel och framtidens kompetensområden. Läs mer

  • Pilar Garcia

    Privacy Officer, 1Password
    Pilar Garcia completed her Bachelors in physics at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (Mexico), and received her Masters in Pure and Applied Logic from the University of Barcelona. Now based in Toronto, Canada, Pilar is a Privacy Officer for the award-winning password management app, 1Password, where she’s known as the _XORcerer_.
  • Jeffrey Goldberg

    Defender Against the Dark Arts, 1Password
    Jeffrey Goldberg has been at 1Password for nearly a decade, where he is now the Chief Defender Against the Dark Arts, overseeing product security. He loves thinking like a criminal& doing magic with math. He also focuses on how people perceive and interact with system. He can’t keep to 300 charact
  • Dustin Heywood

    EvilMog, Team Hashcat
  • David Biesner

    Machine learning researcher, Fraunhofer Institute IAIS, Germany
    David Biesner is a PhD student at Fraunhofer IAIS and University of Bonn. He is part of a research team working on natural language processing with a focus on deep learning text generation methods. Twitter: @dvdbsnr https://fzml.fraunhofer.de/team/

 Språk engelska


  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak   Teknikpionjär

    "Woz" var med och grundade världens största teknikbolag Apple, och är en av de viktigaste utvecklarna av de första hemdatorerna. Läs mer

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